PhD Cornell University 2007
Cambridge University 2007-2008
Gamry Instruments Inc. 2008-2014
İnci Akü 2014-2015
Research Interests:
Impedance based models of energy storage and conversion systems
Instrumentation, in-situ electrochemical techniques
Electrochemical noise measurements
Selected Publications
Uzundal C B; Ulgut B; “Method for Visualizing Under-Coating Corrosion Utilizing pH Indicators before Visible Damage”, Progress in Organic Coatings 122C (2018) pp. 72-78
Ozdemir E; Uzundal C B; Ulgut B; “Zero-Free-Parameter Modeling Approach to Predict the Voltage of Batteries of Different Chemistries and Supercapacitors under Arbitrary Load” Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 164(6), A1274-A1280 (2017)
Ulgut B, Grose J E, Kiya Y, Ralph D C, and Abruña H D; “A New Interpretation of Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy to Measure Accurate Doping Levels for Conducting Polymers: Separating Faradaic and Capacitive Currents”, Applied Surface Science 2009 , (256)5, 1304-1308
Ulgut B, Zhao Y, Grose J E, Ralph D C, and Abruña H D; “Electrochemical Properties of Self-Assembled Monolayers of Polyaniline: Effects of the Thiol Substituent and Reduced Dimensionality.” Langmuir 22(9), 4433-4437 (2006)
Grose J E, Pasupathy A N, Ralph D C, Ulgut B, Abruña H D; “Transistor behavior via Au clusters etched from electrodes in an acidic gating solution: metal nanoparticles mimicking conducting polymers” , Phys. Rev B. 71, 035306 (2005)
Ulgut B, Suzer S; “XPS studies of SiO2/Si system under external bias”, J. Phys. Chem. B 107 (13), 2939-2943 (2002)